Sunday, March 23, 2008

Freedom in My Pocket

During the long 5 day weekend that I am on right now due to Easter holiday, I've found lots of time to really enjoy myself. I've found time to relax, to spend time with an array of different people, and even do some shopping. The other day I went to the mall because I had to go looking for a new wallet because mine had unfortunately busted. Well the zipper had which contained all my coins and the such, so without gettin this fixed up, there'd just be change flying everywhere and it would be a small sense of mass chaos all over the world. So anyways, I found a sweet new wallet. It's cool. Well... it's just normal. But not bad.

In addition to this cool change of events, we ended up eating there in the food court cuz they got some wicked food there, most of it being quite expensive. But, I was figurin, "What the heck, why not. I'm allowed to spice up my life every now and then, huh." So, to the cool Indian restaurant. I'm pretty sure that I really haven't eaten real Indian food... or maybe so, but i just can't put my finger on it. So, we ate there. They even had the chocolate fountains there and I woulda gotten one, but we decided after the meal that it wasn't really sooo necessary, so the eating was accomplished in a healthy manner, and back to the homestead where life boringly continued as usual.


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