Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A trite of a morning

Here's a fun morning for us to talk about. Yesterday morning, I awoke to the sound of voices. I was quite perplexed at the moment, and as I lay in bed, I contemplated whether I should or should not get up and tackle them. As you could see, many things run through my head at 6 AM in the morning. So anyways, I hear voices. And it wasn't just any old voices. To me, there was definitely women's voices. What is wrong with hearing women's voices at 6 AM you say? Nothing, that's why I didn't get up. (Let me give you insight to my thought process first... the day or two before, Andrej, the headmaster, told me that the janitor was going to be bringing a new chair in sometime and taking an old one, because this one was "more better".) So, naturally, I thought that they were bringing in the chair... at 6 in the morning. I mentioned it to Mike when he woke up, to see if he heard anything. I think he thought me to be crazy. But later in the day he told me that Andrej told him that the janitor had found someone in our place. Apparently the guy was all hopped up on some wacked out drugs or something, and he crawled through one of our windows. Scary! Anyways, I guess when he walked out of our place is when the janitor saw him and started to talking to him. That's when I awoke. So anyways, he was so doped up that he didn't take anything. Both our computers were just sitting out, so we feel very fortunate that nothing was taken and now we know better to keep our windows open when away from the flat. So, anyways, funny story, huh? We like to joke about it now since nothing was taken, so thats awesome. OK, well... that's the story for the day. Laters.


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