Sunday, October 30, 2005

Vienna, where for art thou Vienna...

Our final stop on the relaxing week was Vienna, the grand capitol of Austria. Known primarily for its great architectural structures and the residence of Mozart during his era. Therefore, me and Stephen are happy to be on the trek back towards home for more than one reason...One of the grandest things that we found in Vienna was the Parlemant building. This grand building was pretty crazily instense.

Here I am in the front of the Parlemant building with a great big statue of someone realy important apparently.

This is an interesting piece of architecture. This here is the great library of Vienna. Historical fact. Once Hitler took annexed Austria, he gave a huge speach from the balcony of this structure (directly behind me, to the right of my head) with hundreds of thousands of people filling in this entire square to listen to him.
This is the entrance tothe grand palace to Vienna. Pretty cool.

Outside the University in Vienna, I'm payin tribute to one of my biggest role models whose name will live on forever in futility... shall I say Che...


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