Saturday, November 19, 2005

Language and the importance of its intricacies

After being here in a foreign country for the past three months, where they speak a language that for the most part in indecipherable to me, I have noticed just how small the world that some of us live in and the life that we are so used to. Language is so important to our daily life. Many people will also agree that an important part of life is the friends that we make and our interaction with them. So… what am I getting at here? Let me see if I am able to explain this at all well.

As I walk through the halls of my school each day, I see students sitting and chatting away with one another. They enjoy each other’s company because the can understand one another, not just relate to each other, but can understand each other verbally. And it’s quite simple. They can each fluently express their emotions and their thoughts to one another with getting frustrated by not being able to convey their thoughts. Language is the cornerstone of their friendship. Without them speaking the same language, these kids wouldn’t be good friends, much less friends, and probably wouldn’t even talk to each other ever.

This brings me to think back on so much of my life thus far and appreciate friendships. But it also makes me think that language has restricted me from the wider variety of friends that I could have had. It’s a strange thought. (For those of you that are my friends, I’m glad you are. You all are awesome. Take no offense to my remarks. You rock.) But it just makes me realize how restricted we are, and not only that, it makes me realize just how small our little worlds are that we live in. And it also gives me the realization of just how important language is in everyday interaction. In America, we may not even realize the importance of it, because we all speak the same language and most Americans don’t ever leave the vast expanse of its confines. The thing we have to worry about most is deciphering a Southern or a Boston-style accent. For the most part, none of us even need to worry about the crazy infallibilities of the British tongue.

So, why do I feel the need to express myself in this area? Heck if I know. I just was thinking of how crazy and foundational language is to the survival of life in general and the well-being of one’s own sanity. Hope some of this made any sense. J Cheers everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving.


Blogger oldhall said...

I can relate... whenever I travel, I feel a bit embarassed to only speak English, ignorant, really.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

zach- great observation! are you now inspired to learn czech? being able to communicate is so key to a relationship. isn't it cool that God promises to be worshiped by every tribe, tongue, and nation? that boggles my american mind! peace bro-

1:19 PM  

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