Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Reality of Prayer

So I have been talking a little about Christmas and about the First Christmas with some of my classes and sometimes it seems to be just a bit difficult to convey my thoughts to my students. With what they have grown up in, it seems foolish to most of them. One of my students told me it just seemed like a fairytale, like Cinderella or Peter Pan. She said she would never believe it because it just doesn't sound like reality. Of course this same student thought that Mary was somehow being unfaithful to Joseph when she accepted the baby Jesus from God. She just doesn't get a lot of it. Thus, I am going to need some prayers for her as well as others here. This weekend I am spending all day with this girl (Zuzka) and another guy I have grown fairly close with, Honza. We are walking around Prague and gonna chat. These kids (maybe I have talked about them before), but they are some of the most fluent students in the school and love speaking English. I have spent several times with Honza at the local teahouse talking it up. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers Saturday. The idea came that we should hang out from me wanting to hear what her views of religion and all that were, so I hope there will be a lot of religious conversation (as I love to hear other's views on the subject, it will prove to be very interesting and perhaps enlightening), so keep us in your thoughts. I really have grown to like these kids very much and our friendship has grown significantly through class and through our time outside of class. They are at the age and the mental capacity where they seem to be thinking about these things more, and these two are at least open to thinking about other religions as possibly rational, so I hope it goes well. And perhaps I can get some good Christmas shopping in, in Prague. Sweet! Peace out. Til next time.

P.S. Leave me a comment or something and let me know what's going on in your life. Ciao for now.


Blogger Brad said...

I'm praying already bro! Just hearing that you are able to have these conversations is answer to previous intercession :)

My family (Mom, Dad, youngest bro) comes Saturday. I'm stoked! (Hey, I havent used that word in a while-- stoked-- its pretty cool, would you agree?) We'll tool around the island a few days and then all 4 of us will head back to the States for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, do they celebrate the holiday in Czech? There are all these stories in the US news media about efforts to remove "christmas" and replace with "holiday". What about in Czech, a place where most everyone would not be a christian -- do they use the word "christmas" -- and how do they celebrate? What are your plans? Let me know man! Peace- bb

12:26 PM  

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