Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hey O!

Hey everyone. So, we seem to have come upon quite an interesting topic for today... packing. So, I would like to firstly reference the's definition of packing. Due to the large quantity of definitions for "pack", I'm just gonna pick and choose which one is most widely accepted and most commonly necessary for the action:

pack- To form lumps or masses; become compacted.

So, this is my topic, and personally, I feel fairly experienced to talk about this subject for the time being, thus, here I am talking about it. So, let me tell you what my summer has looked like thus far. On the night of June 29th, I started a process that continues to this day. I started to pack for my vacation to the states. Never would I have guessed that this would play such a central role in my vacationing experience. I brought back two bags with me. My big blue and back check-on and my red backpack as my carryon. Once I got on the ground in Tulsa and finally got home, did i unpack? of course not! I just traveled overseas and it's night time and I'm flying to Florida in a day, why would I do that, I didn't need to! I'll just do it when i get back. So i took my backpack and went to Florida. You see, I had a secondary problem that I was already trying to find a solution for... when I moved to Czech Republic, I moved all my stuff back home that was mine and it was either in boxes or just kinda chillin about there. So of course, my dad wanted me to pack everything that I have ever acquired in my room up. Wow, what a chore. So, I never really had enough time nor room in my room to unpack my big check-on bag. So it sat and sat. I would take stuff out, and try and put new stuff in that I decided that I wanted to take back with me. wow, that's just what I want to do when I come home for vacation, is pack more. But wait, by this time, I was off for 2 more weeks in Los Angeles with... what?... of course my backpack packed with new stuff to take on my journey.

So, finally!!... after living out of my backpack for a week i Florida and living out of my big bag for a week at home and out of my backpack again for 2!! weeks in Los Angeles, I finally got home and after packing a bit of my stuff up in my room and after hours of getting stuff prepared to pack that I wanted to take back with me, I thought that I could finally live in some normalcy and things would be purely less vagabondish. But, wait... oh no, that surely wouldn't happen with me. A sudden occurrance at my headquarters quickly prompted me to get all my stuff at my house and bounce (This actually was the good thing of having never unpacked because since most of my stuff was already packed, I was able to get more stuff than I would have expected in 15 minutes. That's really the only pro I got for the situation). So, now, once again, I'm sitting, sleeping on random couches or beds with none other than my trusty-old backpack and check-on back by my side. Sidling up with 11 days left until I can fully get in the mindset of unpacking and sleeping in my own bed and wake up in the morning to one of the most beautiful things I have ever come across... drawers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man, nice seein you the other night. best of luck this year. drop me a line -


11:53 PM  

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