Sunday, August 27, 2006

Warmly Welcomed

So, I've been back now for about 4 or 5 days, and things have been busier than i had ever expected. But in a good way. :) It's been a lot better than just chillin and not doin anything. I've been able to hang out with several students, fellow teachers and friends, and recently, the new American teachers and my new roomie, Andrew. The last two days in particular have been interesting. Last night, we had a little bbq in back of the school with me, Andrew and the other American here, Paul. We chilled for a while eatin chicken and drinking wine and talking it up. We talked about just about everything about school, students, the summer, and whatever you can talk about for 6 hours.
And today, we went into Prague and chilled and lunched with some Americans and then i came back and we were to go out for yet another bbq in as many days. Though Andrew wasn't able to attend due to jetlag, but it was me, Lucka and Kamila (two students), their parents, and Kristyna (another student/sister of Kamila) and her bf. It was quite enjoyable. I was a little worried at first because I hadn't met their parents before, and some of them didn't know English very well, but it went really good. Lots of good food. We had it at one of their gardens. We chilled and talked and chilled some more. It was really a terrific night and I was just so happy to be there with such nice and generous people. I really can't believe how generous these people are here, that they would all cancel out their entire Saturday to prepare food and then cook it and spend time with someone who doesn't even speak their language. It's really unbelievable to me. One of the moms, who actually speaks a bit of English, told me she couldn't sleep last night because she was so nervous to meet me and speak English. But it was just so amazing, and I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay them for anything. It has just been such an honor, already, to be here and be in the situation I've been placed in. I just hope this isn't as good as it gets, as if everything just doesn't go down hill from here on out. I don't expect to be given special treatment, but just to be able to experience genuine Czech kindness. I could probably talk about this night for hours, bout all the enjoyment I had here, but like i said, I would be here for hours. Just use your imagination and that's almost as good as it was. :)

So, I'll keep everyone posted on my last free week before school starts, I should have pictures up of John sometime soon.


Blogger Priya, Prior, Pyra said...

Zach, hey buddy! Welcome to the joys of your second year! It sounds like you're trying to include your new teammate, that's good. Hope you continue to enjoy it and give yourself grace when you come to those moments and situations that need it. After a year and a really nice summer (beach every week with WORK!) I'm starting to REALLY miss the SNOW!!! Crazy, huh? Take care and God bless.

1:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I consider this post very rude. What about me? Am I supposed to only get updates through this blog? You make me really sad. Splash, and I thought you were awesome...

4:57 AM  

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