Monday, March 26, 2007

Unleash the Beast (or at least the Benji)

Ahhh. Oh my Goodness. Sorry. Really haven't realized it's been so long. But really the anti-climacticism of my life seems to be holdin strong, so... thus... not much on my plate. The weather here has been pretty much, freakin rockin. So that's fun. I went bikin on my granny bike today in shorts and a tshirt. Impressed? :) Thought so. So big news for me thus far is that i have recently explored the realm of the unthinkable. I've been walking Benji and been tryin to find open nature areas where he can run around (without his leash!!) Therefore I have to be careful that there's not any buses or bikers or other dogs around. But thusfar, it's worked out, and I've been quite happy, cuz when i call him or something... he'll eventually come back my way. He doesn't run off which is quite a cool new thing for me. Other new things in my life... well... I guess this is as good a time as any to officially say that I'll be back in Kralupy for Round 3. I'm enjoyin everything here and I like it pretty a lot, so i figure... why not? Why leave a place now where I like living and have good friends, a good job that i really enjoy, blah blah blah... So get ready for more fun updates from me and Benji in the year to come. But that don't mean that I won't be making my rounds to see everyone very soon. I'll be in Oklahoma for a week at the end of May and for a month during july and August.

So we just had Daylight Savings Time also. This is pretty awesome actually cuz now it's not gettin dark til like 7ish or something like that, as opposed to 430 back in december. We're breaking out of the dull, sad, depressive months and willingly accepting the beauty which is SPRING. Nice weather, end of the school year, more fun (you get my drift). Anyways... i really don't have anything to say, but i figured it'd been 9 days or so, so I wanted to write something. I'll write more soon. I should have more to talk about quite soon. peace.


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