Friday, March 16, 2007

Within the Realm of School... as I Write to You

Due to the disheartened fact that we have our school's Math Olympics today, I'm sitting in my second hour class with three students and writing this post thanks to the joyous aqcusition of WIFI this year to our school. And my first class was concelled thanks to the Olympics. But after this class, things should be normal and the rest of my day should be blissfully exciting. I had an exciting trip last weekend. Well... it's not really much to talk about, but i went with some friends to the Prague Zoo which is quite close to Kralupy. And also there are the Botanical gardens there also, so I hope to visit those sometime, now that I know where they are (though maybe I should visit them when it's more summery weather cuz now I think I'd be looking at a bunch of sticks in the ground). So... the zoo was cool but i didn't realize just how big it was. I was there for 3 hours i think and saw maybe a third of it all. SO i guess I'll have to go back sometime. I saw elephants, and rhinos, and bald eagles, and vipers, and hippos, and big pigs, and cheetahs, and tigers. You name it, I saw it. Also flamingos. Oh, and while I was there, I tried for the first time something called Fruit Dumplings. Czechs have this kick for sweet food for lunch. So i tried it, and it was ok, but there's just something about desserty things for lunch. But it's maybe the best sweet lunch I'd had. And there's a cool chateau that's just next to the zoo, and so we walked around that for a while. It was a huge day for me, if you can imagine. I came home and was completely and utterly satisfied. This week doesn't seem to look as promising. Though it will be some fun. I'll relax. Maybe visit with some friends and rock out. Um... I don't really know what else to say. I'm quite looking forward to coming home for my sister's wedding in May (though unfortunately I'll be missing ESI's Year End retreat, as well as the first of two weeks of Maturita Exams at my school) but I think it's an easy decision and I don't think I'm gonna regret it. ;) It'll be a super time. Just about 2 more months til i hit that up. Which reminds me... I need to buy a ticket today. Or ASAP. Ok... so, that's all the news for me... Ok. later


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