Thursday, January 18, 2007


Wow, cool. So I was poisoned last week. I can literally say that i have been poisoned now. That's what my illness has been. And who poisoned me none other than my roommate Andrew. I knew he was jealous, but i would never have thought he would try such a thing. Actually, he poisoned me because he too had been poisoned by the dastardly little salmonella virus. So, for 4 days I was quite up a creek because of this so-called poisoning. But things are almost 100% now. It's funny how many times I've escaped death... I've been poisoned, shot at, almost hit by a train, run over by a car, kidnapped by pirates, been eaten by rabid dogs.... (well i assume those the next ones to add). Ok, enjoy your day. Bye for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow thanks for posting on my blog. It's nice to know someone actually reads it. So I thought I'd returned the favor. Glad to hear you and Andrew are still alive. My now-exboyfriend got a nasty case of salmonella his last day in Prague...guess there's an epidemic. Well, don't let Andrew try to poison you again, and have a splendid week my friend!

6:35 AM  

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