Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Sweeties

So with a new Christmas season in Czech Republic, as also comes the beautiful tradition of "bake a million Christmas Sweets in 3 weeks". It's a great thing and even I decided to chip in a bit on the tradition and pay my due. (Thanks to the help of one of my great students letting me borrow some different decorative cutters and other things necessary in making these so-called "sweets".) it was an arduous process, but after a good 2 hours or so, I had completed enough sweets to fill a plate of awesome little Christmas Sweets. I made linecké pečivo, or Linz sweets, (as you can look at the process of making them below. from beginning to end). I had some trouble at first, but succeeded quite handily. it was great. in the middle i put some special things. I made 3 different kinds. the first was normal strawberry jelly, the second was nutella, and the third was my surprise (peanut butter and jelly). it was super, and just like that, they were all gone. I don't know if i'll dive in again quite yet, but it was a fun way to spend a few hours on my dull sunday. ok, enjoy the process I have shown you below. peace


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am drooling all over the keyboard! They look delish and very professional. Happy Holidays!

1:12 PM  

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