Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Yet Another Transition.... from 21 to 22

Wow, so I never thought I'd say it, but yea... wow, I'm 22. It seems wierd to say at the moment! Can I believe it... quick answer is no. It's fairly impossible to believe, and to imagine that I've been living in the Czech Republic for my last 2 birthdays is fairly shocking :). Anyways, a lot has happens lately (due to the fact that it's my birthday of course), so let me start off on the earliest momento of my birhtday. On October 16, I actually looked at a calendar and realized what day it was and therefore what day would be in 2 days. I had just about forgot my birthday, wow, I know I'm gettin old when i forget my actual bday. Next I got my mother's bday present the same day full of wonderful toys for my dog and a few things for myself. The next thing happened on October 17, the day before my birthday. I decided to do a birthday lesson :) so I was talking about birthdays and all the things that we do on birthdays, and one of my private students gave me a bottle of plum brandy in celebration of my birthday :) It was a happy time :). And then the 3 girls proceeded to explain to me the 14 most important reasons why I should stay in Czech Republic! :) So... here they are:
14. Beautiful girls and women
13. Czech beer
12. Historic monuments
11. Safe schools (no guns in schools like in America :)
10. Nice people
9. Sports (many great Czech athletes)
8. Everything is cheaper! :)
7. Czech cuisines
6. Dangerous way home (on airplanes!)
5. Language (in CR I am one of the best English speakers! In America, not so)
4. No natural disasters!
3. Beautiful wine cellars
2. Wonderful Czech fairytales
1. The most important thing- more fun with stupid students :)

Wow, my bday had already started out on a good note.

The next day, MY ACTUAL BDAY! I awoke at about 530 as usual because Benji was wanting some attention, and then we fell back asleep until about 630 or so and we went for a walk (it was really cold, about 30 or 25, enough for frost), and then I was preparing for some of my classes. And then, while zoning out on my computer at about 740 or so, I heard benji barking and i was pissed! i hate when he barks. And then I saw some students scampering into my flat. They then came in singing happy birthday :) it was wonderful, and they brought me a tiramisu cake and some chocolate and a sweater! It was a wonderful start to the beginning of the day. We talked for a while and ate some cake and then they had to leave :( So, then I proceeded to teach a lesson to my class which started the class by singing happy birthday as I walked into the classroom :) Wow, could the day get any better, I suppose that it could, but it would be hard... yet it did. Then after the class, I was back in the English cabinet and the head english teacher, Zdenek, brought 2 liters of champagne to celebrate, so we drank one botter (maybe 5 or 6 teachers) then, and then I went to my next class ( my sophomore class which i have taught for the last year also). And I got to class ready to teach and they said that I wasn't gonna teach today and they blindfolded me and took me downstairs to the cafeteria and there was a bday cake with candles and i blew out the candles and they said "that's not all". so we went on a wild goose chase outside and around the school and back in the school to find a lemon which was dressed like a pig :) And it had a note saying that we would do something this weekend :) Then we went back and ate cake and I taught for 10 minutes. Then I went back to the English Cabinet and we finished the 2nd bottle of champagne :) So... by 11am, I'd had lots of cake and lots of champagne, and that's all. So I was happy when I was able to go to lunch and enjoy some solid food :). Throughout the day I would be walking around in school and everyone would come and wish me happy birthday. It seemed that most people knew it. Funny how it works. The next big event happened after school where I entertained myself for a bit at the weekly Chess Club. I lost after 2 moves (maybe 10 seconds). It was really bad :) Then I faired a bit better, but still lost, with another students and then beat a beginner :) It made me happy. Then I came home really tired and unprepared for my evening classes. I had to prepare quickly and off I was to my classes in the evening. My first class went fairly well (consisting of 3 women). It's fun and we were talking and reading and discussing genocide and anarchy in Africa! It was a wonderful lesson! I love history !! And then I got a wonderful Cd from a great friend! It's a Czech band that I like! And then I finished my classes with my class at the pub next to my house. Boy was I hungry, and cold, so I ordered some food and scarfed it all down so fast! I good conversation to finish a great day! I proceeded home where my roommate and his girlfriend enjoyed a wonderful bottle of wine with me and some conversation to cap off the end to a beautiful birthday experience. Wow, it was a wonderful day. And thanks for all the flooding of my 2 email accounts with so many congratulations to my birthday!! wow, I felt so loved! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy B-day bro...I'm glad you had a good one. I was thinking of you today and should've called you, sorry. Enjoy your slumber and eat the phatty when you wake up. God Bless dude!


9:37 PM  
Blogger TomS said...

Dude I suck! Remembering birthdays is like the thing I suck most at. Happy Be-lated birthday, eat the phatty.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A maybe you've forgotten about this post,I would like to point out the most important part:

"And then the 3 girls proceeded to explain to me the 14 most important reasons why I should stay in Czech Republic! :) So... here they are:

14. Beautiful girls and women
13. Czech beer
12. Historic monuments
11. Safe schools (no guns in schools like in America :)
10. Nice people
9. Sports (many great Czech athletes)
8. Everything is cheaper! :)
7. Czech cuisines
6. Dangerous way home (on airplanes!)
5. Language (in CR I am one of the best English speakers! In America, not so)
4. No natural disasters!
3. Beautiful wine cellars
2. Wonderful Czech fairytales
1. The most important thing- more fun with stupid students :)

And I've got more! :)

- Being one of the most famous people among the 500 at school
- Pleses! Isn't that what you're livin for? :)

- Benji waking you up every morning (no alarm clock needed)

- Czech currency growing strong (soon you will be rich)

- Everything is closer (both other countries and buildings inside towns)

- Not having to pay for electricity, water and the Internet
- A pub just around the corner from your place

- A Pub Class! Not sure if they'll put it on the list of electives in America :)

- You've got your lessons for next year completely planned (= my completed maturita questions for you if you stay)

Wanna reconsider now? :D

2:22 PM  

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