Saturday, December 16, 2006

The 2nd Longest Season in Kralupy Officially Begins

Of course the longest season in Kralupy and the rest of the Czech Republic is the winter. The infamous season of "The Ples". Well actually ples season has been going on for a few months, and it actually never stops, but i'm talking about a certain kind of ples. The Maturantni Ples. What is it? Well i suppose it's the equvalent to the Prom in the States. But still a bit different. For one thing, the main difference is that it's like a big dance put on by the graduating class, and everyone is invited. Parents, teachers, students, random fools. ANYONE. More differences... alcohol is prevalent, and perhaps a main staple of the ples. There is quite a bit of classical style dancing (which i've kinda liked to try). The night goes as followed: Graduating students (maturants) come out and have a special thing and get sashes and then have some champagne. Then is student-teacher dances and the student-parent dances. and then some free dances for anyone and the some special performance that the Seniors made and then more dancing and talking and drinking (it's quite a good atmosphere for students to speak to me more freely because we aren't in school and maybe they are a bit drunk. So it's fun). Then there's a special mdnight surprise which is usually another performance by the seniors. And then everything finishes at 2am, and then the afterparty begins at one of the surrounding bars and pubs. It's quite an interesting time, but really one of my highlights of being here. So, why do I say that this is the 2nd longest season? well, because we don't just have one senior class... we have 4. So last night was the first one, and the last one I think is in March, though i could be wrong. ok, so that's that for now.


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