Thursday, September 06, 2007

Weather of Calamital Beauty

So as the summer goes on and continues as usual, something just doesn't seem quite as usual as it should. I came back from America where the weather was about 100 F (38 C) everyday to now being in the Czech Republic where it's just really cold and frigid every day... I don't know... about 50's F (10-13 C) So as you can see, it's quite different., but also nice. I quite like the colder weather because it feels more fresh for me. To walk out in the morning with a brisk wind in your face and a really cold temperature is just great and it wakes you up and you can just be happy. As so is as I seem. So... it's also funny because this is stull summer yet, it's in the 50's and maybe colder I don't know. We actually have about still 2 more weeks of summer, so go figure. It really wasn't this cold last year, til... well... i guess like never... maybe no, maybe February or something like that, but last year was great. But the year before was quite cold, but it still didn't get this cold this year. That's the strange thing. But I hear it's supposed to be a bit warmer next week so I'm lookin forward to that. Well... actually i pretty much like all weathers so I'm just lookin forward to the continuation of life in general. Thanks. That's it for now. Just wanted youa in America to know how cold it is here. Later


Blogger Crystal said...

I was so sick of the sun in Pasadena. I am thrilled with this weather.

6:56 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Hey, I think I found the song. Does it have a lot of orchestral arrangements in it? How do I find a translation of the words? I like it.

3:40 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Hey, thanks for the lyrics. They are pretty sweet.

5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds cold

8:11 PM  

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