Saturday, September 01, 2007

Test Time

So... I was reading through this one book I got and I noticed an ad for this language agency where you can go to learn english, and other crazy langauges. And I noticed they also had Czech for foregners, so I thought it would be interesting to look at. I went to the website and found some online tests of language ability. I saw a challenge and i went up there and grabbed at it. Well, now with all my tests being over, I feel like it was a big waste of time. The tests consisted of 150 questions and it was just long and a big bowl of suck. Anyways, I felt rather well after I took the Czech test. Though it was pretty difficult, I got 105, but I think the beginning ones were rather easy, so it's not really that good. But then I proceeded to take the english one, cuz i like to see how good my English is compared to my Czech... :) Well, like always, I always suck it up and with stupid British english, I only got 135 right. So that made me feel a little bit better about my czech score, just cuz the english one sucks. Anyways, that's my story for today. But don't worry, it's not gettin me down. I still feel rather confident in most situations with my english. I guess I'll keep practicing and see if I can improve on this.


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