Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Travellin for DAYS!!!

So... as we have it at the moment, I'm in Chicago waiting for my last leg to Tulsa. Today has been quite an interesting day if I may say so myself. First off... I went to bed aat about 1230am with my alarm prepared to go off at 2 cuz i still needed to...
- clean my bedroom,
- take out the trash,
- write a note to my neighbor sayin i broke the vacuum,
- take a shower,
- and shave
- and finish packing

And maybe something else, but i couldn't remember cuz there were so many things to do. But as we have it... I awoke to my phone ringing from my ride which was taking me to the airport at 4!!! tellin me they were almost there!!! OH NO!!!! I overslept and now I have 5 MINUTES to do everything that I need to do. Needless to say, I didn't really get any of it done besides throwing whatever i could find into my suitcase, and I left. I actually don't think I forgot that many important things. Of course I'm makin a list of all the stuff I forgot now, but it's all menial things.

So... anyways, I got the the airport and had enough time to check in and it wasn't a problem. But the flights in themselves weren't too extravagant, but on my first flight I saw a pair of Amish guys on the plane (who knew they could fly, they can't even drive cars)... so that was quite interesting... and on my second flight were two couples of Hasidic Jews (you know with the curls and stuff)... so that was also cool, not to mention on the 9 hour flight I was seated with a mother and her two boys (ages 5 and 8) who were "bored" and therefore decided to just wreak havoc all over the place. That was nice... oh yea, and I was in the very last row of this huge freakin plane... go figure, what luck, huh? Actually it wasn't really bad at all, but you could paint a picture and imagine how bad it was, huh? Well, it actually wasn't as bad as the picture you're paintin in your mind, so stop it...

And now I'm waitin in Chicago for 2 more hours. Right now, my complete travel time is 15 hours and I still got another 4 to go... so wish me luck... (although I'm not gonna post this until I get internet access somewhere, so your wishes will most likely be too late and long overdue, so therefore... if you got some kind of secret freaky power which can see me and my thoughts.... stop it, that's weird. Ok... gonna head to get some food or something with the money that I don't have.... Another wish of luck would be grateful at this moment. :)

So... in the end... my flight was delayed another hour and i finally got home at 7pm. That would make my grand total of travelling 21 hours in airports and airplanes. Enjoy the day and I'm gonna sleep. peace out.


Blogger Peta said...

oh sorry! I stole those 2 hours from you, didn't I :(

9:42 AM  

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