Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day of the Goat

So, last Saturday, I took part in an adventure with 3 of my former students Tomas, Tomas, and Pavel. We made the journey down south of Prague to the city of Velke Popovice. In the village is brewed the beer called Kozel (goat). We got there about 10am and started with the festivities. I was really hungry, so i started off spending way too much money on what I thought would be some cheap pasta. Bad move on my part. We sat down and had a look at the festivities of the day. During the day they had really bad country music bands and between sets, they'd try and break world records. It was really funny to watch. For example, one guy tried to balance a soccerball on his head for 2 minutes, but on the soccer ball was a bottle of beer.

After this we went on a tour of the brewery. Nothing special really, just another one of those. Seen one, seen em all. The MC of the day was a really funny guy and did crazy things also, but the craziest thing he was doing (I thought) was wearing the shirt he was wearing. If you have a look, his shirt is from some auto dealership in Wichita :)

Continuing with the day, many people found it necessary to visit the head, or the mass of portapotties in sight in the corner, but if you get closer, you see something that I had never seen before. I like to call them porta-urinals. Interesting for me. But weird to have people staring at you, I waited my turn in the normal ones.

This is a picture of me and Tomas with our goat beards which we received complimentary for being so awesome.

We left the Day of the Goat and headed back home. It was difficult getting back since it was a weekend and there were less buses but more people who wanted to go home. We were finally able to cram onto one of the buses, but unfortunately, about 10 minutes into the drive, the bus broke. It was really sad.

After about 45 minutes, a new bus came and we finally got back to prague safely and continued onto Kralupy. It was an interesting day, and a Saturday well spent


Blogger Crystal said...

Just because I'm waiting doesn't mean I'm not living inside the waiting. These last few weeks have been some of the best.

12:50 PM  

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