Sunday, August 27, 2006

First Relaxing Day Back

Today was the first day that I got to relax and just enjoy myself. Though I had to wake up at 7 to come back to Kralupy, and though I was unable to get a little doggie today, it was good.
-I walked to the pound with two friends and the weather was perfect, and
-then I ran into one of my adult students on my way back and we walked around again and went for lunch and I probably had the best Svickova ever (it's tenderloins in "candle sauce" with dumplings). It's pretty much the best meal ever.
-Next on the agenda was to go home and crash, which is what i did for about 3 hours and it was oh so beautiful.
-I then was able to go to the local tea house with one of my good friends in town and chat it up for a few hours in the midst of a strange rainstorm which produced one of the most bright and solid rainbows ever, and it raised up right next to the church in town and we had a pretty view from how 2nd floor teahouse window. It was great and so picturesque. Hopefully I can put it up on my blog so you can see it.
-Following this, I came home and ate a beautiful dinner and came on the computer and chilled and talked and then proceeded to catch up on my missed episodes of Big Brother Allstar, which I have recently become obsessed with since being in America (thanks bro).
-And the best thing, I don't have to get up really early tomorrow!!! Going to get my visa, but not until noonish, so life is just a beautiful bowl of awesome. Check ya later. peace


Blogger Priya, Prior, Pyra said...

Ok yeah BB7! I actually was hoping to have danielle win, or even George (but not at first), I wanted someone NICE to win. But you probably like Janelle like a lot of other people do, right?

11:22 PM  

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