Sunday, September 03, 2006

Heeeeere Schoolie Schoolie Schoolie. Here boy.

so, here we are again, at the break of a new school year. wow, it's hard to believe it's finally here again. This past two weeks in CZ has been really long for me, but really good. It's one of those feelings like it feels like a long time has gone by, but it's just been so much fun. Really busy doing all sorts of crazy stuff. My schedule seems to be a lot different than last year so it's gonna be a little tricky transition i think, but i'm lookin forward to it. Last year i taught 8 hours at the high school and like 14 hours at my private school, but this year I'm teachin 17 hours at the high school and 7 at the private school, so it's actually really cool and what i wanted because now I'm gonna be around the school a lot more and gonna be able to hang out with a lot of people a lot more at school during the day, so it's a rockin time. so, other reasons this year is gonna be a lot more crazy... been able to hang out with a lot of people since i've been back and I seemed to have estblished myself at my school. The whole informal/;formal greeting thing has been one thing that I've prided myself on (me and my roommate last year always bragged who we got to greet informally). So, with most of the teachers now I'm on an informal greeting basis, which is kinda cool (since most of them don't really speak english at all. My thoughts are kind of scattered at the moment, I'm listening to all kinds of things in the background so my thuoghts may not make sense, but it's all good. um... i think i'm gonna get a dog tomorrow, we'll see. I've been lookin at this one beagle online and though he may have some anger problems, I think it's gonna happen. Let's just hope that I don't regret this decision. Another thing, I went to the mall today and picked myself out another new phone which will replace my lost one and it's actually pretty freakin awesome, and it was about 10 bucks cheaper than my last one, so i was super pumped. The pic i'm showin don't do it justice, it's really light and really sweet, and if I hold down the star key, it will audibly tell me the time, which is the feature which sold me. More incentive to come and visit me??? huh???? i think so!! ok, cool, I'll hit some more up later. peacers


Blogger benneilson2 said...

Hey dude what's your new number. Hope things are going well. I'll see you sometime.

3:02 AM  

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