Saturday, May 12, 2007

Letters from Iwo Jima... or maybe is better "Dopisy z Iwo Jimy"

So... I'd like to tell you about this film that I saw yesterday night at the Kralupy cinema. Well... I like to get out of my flat sometimes on Friday night, so that Benji just doesn't drive me completely out of my mind. A little sanity is good for the nerves. So I checked out what movie was playing and I saw that it was "Letters from Iwo Jima". I had heard about this film and heard that it was good. It was directed by Clint Eastwood and Stephen Spielberg, so I thought it was sure to be a killer flick. I looked longer at the list of movies playing this month, and saw "Flags of Our Fathers", which is playing on Monday. This film I am quite interested in because I read the book a few years ago. But I was a little shocked and confused as to why they would play two American films about Iwo Jima almost back to back. And I was even a little more confused that I saw the Clint Eastwood had something to do with this film also... Well... I knew that "Flags of Our Fathers" has to do with the story of the people who raised the American Flag on Mt. Suribachi and the story of them and their infamous photo that was snapped. But I really had no clue what "Letters from Iwo Jima" was about. And I didn't know why in the world Clint Eastwood would work on two films about the same thing........

Well, once I walked into the theatre, I realized and remembered EXACTLY what this movie was about. It's about the Fight for Iwo Jima taken from the side of the Japanese. Which was quite a cool way to do it and you get to see the humanity of everything. But... there was a small catch (a problem if yo will). Because the film was taken from the side of the Japanese, they of course had to speak in their mother tongue, which makes the most sense. So... I'm sitting through this two and a half hour film, filmed in Japanese with Czech subtitles. I looked at the paper again as I left and it definitely didn't say anywhere that the film would be in Japanese. It just said that it was an American film. So... it just sucked a bit. I mean, it was a lot of action and so thereforethe language and vocabulary weren't so difficult, so i really didn't have much of a problem translating the subtitles, but i probably would have understood a bit better if there had been some English. It's true that everytime they caught an American, I was so excited, cuz I was hoping that he was gonna speak English or something.

Anyways, it was quite a nice film and I would look forward to seeing it with English titles sometime. But I would reccomend it to anyone out there who would so desire to catch a glimpse of what happened under Iwo Jima.


Blogger lizcannon said...

Hey Zach, it's Liz and Cameron! How are you? We miss you. We'll be in OK for chris crowder's wedding may 30-June 4. But otherwise you should come to denver and visit us after!!!! Miss you, hope you're having fun! The pics look awesome. Awww Splash!

1:52 PM  

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