Friday, October 05, 2007

Vacuums Galore

Today has been a very beautiful day thusfar. Life is happy and enjoyable because today is Friday and yet again, I'm not working. I've got nothing to complain about. And also, I've met a few more foreigners that live in my town. They've lived here for about as long as I have, but I've just never run across them. And today was the day. They're nice. That's really all I can say about them.

But the real reason for happiness today is that I have just returned from mthe local home appliance store right around the corner from my school and I purchased for myself my very first vacuum. Now, after two years of not having a vacuum, you might think that my place is rather dirty, but you would be wrong, because I always have borrowed the school vacuum which is nice, but we don't do it much, cuz it's a bit of a hassle. And also i think i broke it the last time before i came to america last summer and never told the school. So i figure it'd be better if I just finally buy my own and I can use it whenever I want and everything will be very happy.

This beautiful vacuum is called an Elf and it was quite nice I think, and cheap. It put me back less than a hundred bucks and the dude that owns the shop told me that he has had the same one for a few weeks I think. So i gave in and shelled out the dough for a nice little treasure inside a sucking box ;)


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