Sunday, December 14, 2008

Time to Start Pickin it Up Again

As time has passed, my life in America, in Oklahoma, in Norman, receiving my Teacher's Certificate has been mildly, no I take that back, extremely exhausting and wearisome. I am quite ready for it to be finally over with it. But there have been a few high marks in the semester. There have been a plethora of moments I'd rather never recall again, but I'd rather stray away from those. Moving to Norman, 5 months ago, I was really lucky to get in the situation that I came to so simply. I found a house, a job, and car without having to raise more than a phone call here or there. And now, here I am, at the moment that I have been living for for the last few months. The moment when it all ends. The moment when I got what I came for and I have accomplished all necessary requirements for my certification.

So now what? Here is where the problem, or shall I say "adventure" begins. I don't know. I've got lots of directions in which I could go, but not one of them seems to be so strong right now and clear. I hope that in the next few months, that I will have the time I need to refocus and spend some quality time thinking about where it is that I want to be. Therefore, starting in about 3 weeks or so, I'll be heading off back over to Europe and wherever it may lead me. I look forward to everything that it might bring my way and hope that it will prove to be a very growing experience for me.


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